In just two short weeks, our carefree days of summer must come to an end as Cobb County School District will be beginning their 2016-2017 school year. Long days at the pool, sleeping in and afternoons spent playing with friends will be replaced with back-to-school events, fall sports team practices and pages of dreaded homework. August 1st is just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean our summer fun has to stop yet! Sparkles in Kennesaw wants to make the most of the last few days of summer vacation and you are invited!

Buy One, Get One Free

It's back to school season in Kennesaw, GA!Parents- your favorite money-saving weekend is almost here- Tax Free Weekend! After running from store to store collecting school supplies, new backpacks, and clothes for the kids, join Sparkles in Kennesaw as we say goodbye to Summer 2016. For Tax Free Weekend, we are offering a buy one, get one free admission special, from Friday, July 29th through Sunday, July 31st. Come in for games of laser tag, arcade games, or skating to your favorite hits. We want to see all our friends having fun and enjoying the last weekend before school.

Want Discounts? Sign Up!

In order to get our Tax Free Weekend– buy one, get one free admission, you must sign up for our E-Club to receive our discount coupon. By signing up for our E-Club you’ll receive discounts and special offers throughout the year. You can also follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on location news, daily updates, fun reads, and all things skating!

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