There is nothing more rewarding than seeing children reach milestones as they grow up. First comes walking, then comes talking, and eventually your little ones will learn to read and write. From bedtime stories to recipes in the kitchen, reading is a fundamental skill that we believe should be shared and embraced with our local families.

Encourage your kids to read with fun incentives!

September is National Literacy Month

During the month of September, we celebrate National Literacy Month– a celebration of all things reading and writing. Reading is an essential skill that unfortunately, many people take for granted. It is estimated that over 30 million Americans are currently reading below basic literacy levels, we think it’s time to make a change! Sparkles in Kennesaw is here to encourage our local families to share the love of reading and writing with these fun incentives!

Reading is Succeeding

  1. Channel your inner crafter. DIY websites like Pinterest have a variety of do-it-yourself bookmarks that you can make at home. Visit your local craft store for supplies and create unique bookmarks to go with your child’s favorite stories.
  2. Grab a snack and a good book. Set aside 20 minutes a day for fun reading time. While your child reads, pop some popcorn, make a comfy pallet and let them relax with their favorite stories. Popcorn is a healthy snack that won’t spoil their dinner, is inexpensive, and best of all, it’s delicious!
  3. Keep track with a reading log. Keep track of the books your child reads with a reading log. Using large poster board, mark your chart with fun stickers or colorful markers. Set goals (ex: read 100 pages and get a prize) and create incentives for the kids to look forward to, like a trip to Sparkles Family Fun Center!

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