SkateSelfieSkate2013WEBWe know you’ve always wanted to be in one, and now is your chance to join us at the Sparkles Kennesaw flash mob! 

We need your help to make our flash mob a success! Here is the plan: On February 7th at 8:00 pm we want you and all of your friends to be here at Sparkles with your phones ready. We are going to ask you to help make our internet flash mob a raging success by posting photos using #Sk8Selfie to all of your favorite social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine.

We’re sure you’re asking why, right? We are participating in this internet flash mob with skating rinks from across the country. There are hundreds of rinks that are participating! Even some from the UK and Australia! We want everyone to know just how awesome roller skating at Sparkles Kennesaw really is. We are glad that you and your friends know that we are the place to be on a Friday night, but there are so many people out there that just don’t know what they are missing so we are going to show them with our flash mob!

Grab all your friends, invite your family, and make sure that everyone has their phones charged with plenty of space for taking lots of photos to share with the world. If you’re not here, you’re going to regret that you missed out on all the fun when you see the internet flooded with #Sk8Selfie at 8:00 pm on Friday, February 7th!

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