Cheap Summertime Fun

Hey parents – we know that you are excited to have your kids out of school, but you’ve got to find a way to keep them entertained without breaking the bank. Sparkles Kennesaw hears your cry and we’ve answered with all kinds of great promotions, discounts and free admission opportunities this summer. Free Family Fitness […]

May Savings

Mayday! Sparkles is practically GIVING away money with all of the great, money saving coupons we are offering in the month of May. Check out these great deals and make sure you take advantage of them before they are gone. Skate Trainer Coupon Are you coming to Sparkles for the first time? Do you have […]

Celebrate Your Team

During the summer months, sports teams kick into action (pun intended). When y’all win a game together, it’s time to celebrate! What better way to cool off from a summer sport than to celebrate a big win in a fun – and cool – environment? Sparkles Kennesaw has three great ideas for your sports team […]

Why YOU Should Skate at Sparkles Kennesaw

With the hot months headed our way this summer, what better way to spend your time then inside at Sparkles Kennesaw! Step out of the heat of the Georgia summer, and step into the fun at our family entertainment center. We’ve got something for everyone in the family! 1. It’s A BLAST! Skate to awesome […]

Jammin’ Skates

Jam skaters are more than just good at skating. They have rhythm, musicality, creativity, and a unique style. They also have the right equipment. If you’ve been looking for the right pair of jam skates, you just found the resource that you need. Sparkles Kennesaw has picked our top three pairs of jam skates to […]

Roller Skating on Your Big Day

Y’all met at the roller skating rink, you’ve spent most of your more memorable dates at a roller skating rink somewhere across the country, and when he finally asked the question, of course, you were both on skates. Now it’s time to plan your wedding day and you want to incorporate roller skating for that […]

Speeding Away

Ready to beat the competition? Skate faster than all of your buddies? First, you’ve got to have some skill, second, you’ve got to have a great pair of roller skates! Sparkles Kennesaw has thought long and hard, looked at all of our pro shop inventory, and picked the top three quad speed skates for you! […]

Make Your Child’s Birthday Party Fun and Stress Free

Hey parents, does your child have a birthday party coming up soon and you’re stressing over what to plan, how to plan it, and most importantly – who to invite? You’ve come to the right place to find the answers because Sparkles Kennesaw is an expert at throwing birthday parties!  Who? The first thing you’ve […]