Mayday! Sparkles is practically GIVING away money with all of the great, money saving coupons we are offering in the month of May. Check out these great deals and make sure you take advantage of them before they are gone.

Skate Trainer Coupon

Are you coming to Sparkles for the first time? Do you have a small child that wants to skate but is afraid of falling? Use our skate trainer coupon to get our Skate Mates for only $3 for one full hour of use.

Memorial Day Savings

During Memorial Day we are literally giving away money – in FREE admissions! On Memorial Day only for every paid admission, you’ll get one admission for FREE! Or you could think of it this way – bring a friend and each of you are only paying half price admission. Whichever way you cut it, this is a great deal.

Birthday Party CouponBirthday Party Coupon

Birthday parties are expensive as it is – with the presents and the cake and invitations. We’re helping you out through the month of May. Book a party and with a $100 deposit, you’ll get $20 off of your party! Just make sure to mention this coupon.

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