Encouraging fellowship in your church youth groups, small groups, or focus groups is important. Most churches could use a boost in their level of fellowship – especially for the many large churches that are here in the Kennesaw, GA area. Sparkles Kennesaw is the perfect place to host a gathering for your church group that would facilitate fun, fellowship, and great times for everyone involved!

Private Parties and Lock-InsGroup Lock-Ins

For kids especially, it is important to be connected and involved in their church. Not only should they be seeking their church for spiritual leadership, but that is also the place where they should be seeking their friends. Creating environments where the members of your church and small groups can connect is essential to making this ideal, a reality.

Sparkles Kennesaw offers special rates for your group lock-ins. Lock-in events are perfect for after prom parties, church groups, high school clubs, middle school clubs and family reunions. To reserve Sparkles, there is a 100 person minimum at $25/per person. This fee includes, unlimited skating, playzone (our indoor playground available for children under 10), arcade, and laser tag, skate rental, doughnut, juice, pizza, and soda. There is no fee for non-skating adult chaperones, but all participating children and adults are included in the headcount.

Call us today to schedule a lock-in at Sparkles Kennesaw for your groupchurch groups, after prom parties, clubs, family reunions, all are welcome! Ask for Diane Adams when you call at 770-595-0330.

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