This Halloween Sparkles is pulling out all the stops to bring you a SPOOK-TACULAR event you don’t want to miss!

Sparkles Kennesaw Fright Night

On October 26, Sparkles Kennesaw will turn into a FRIGHT NIGHT COSTUME PARTY! From 7:00 pm to 1:00 am, skate, party, and have a blast with your fellow ghouls, goblins, and ghosts, OH MY!

Prizes will be awarded for the BEST costumes so don’t hold back in showing Sparkles your inner monster! We will also be hosting special events throughout the night and more spooky fun than you can gnarl your teeth at!

$15 will get you admission for the night, sk8 rental AND unlimited ZOMBIE LAZER TAG! What did I tell you, this is one Halloween party you don’t want to miss!

So bring your friends, bring the family, and bring your best costume to Sparkles Kennesaw! We promise we won’t bite… or will we???

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