How have you decided to spend your new year? Have you made a long list of resolutions that you plan on achieving, or are you thrilled with the way that 2013 went and you want to repeat that year? Sparkles Kennesaw has a list of the top New Year’s Resolutions of 2014, and how we can help you achieve them.

Fitness1. Lose Weight

This one is easy – just come roller skate! You can burn 1,200 calories in just one hour of skating, and you’ll hardly notice! (Plus, admission is a whole lot cheaper than that expensive gym membership you’re looking at buying.)

2. Get Organized

We can help you with this if it involves organizing a party. Birthdays, corporate events, even private functions, we’ve got you covered. All you have to do is all and book it – we’ll take care of the rest.

3. Spend Less, Save More

Please see our solution for #1 – remember that expensive gym membership you were looking at? Pocket the difference between that and Sparkles admission and voila! You’ve spent less and saved more.

4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest

We’ve got this one in the bag. Fun. Friends. Laser Tag. You’re well on your way to filling up your life with enjoyment.

5. Stay Fit and Healthy

Again, please refer to #1 – just come skate!

6. Learn Something Exciting

Learning how to roller skate is exciting, especially when you manage to make it around the rink one time without falling!

7. Quit Smoking

Well, if you spend enough time at Sparkles you’ll have to quit, because we don’t allow smoking in our family friendly environment.

8. Help Others in Their Dreams

If you don’t want to skate, but know someone who does, give them a pair of skates and a Sparkles gift card and they now have all the tools they need to start living their dream.

9. Fall in Love

Our owners, Jeff and Ava, met at the skating rink. Who knows, your one true love could be here right now…

10. Spend More Time With My Family

Roller skating is a great family activity. There is no age limit or minimum for who can and can’t skate so grab everyone of your family members right now, bring them to Sparkles, and cross this one off of your list!

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