Stoplight PartyLook up “stoplight party” in the Urban Dictionary and you’ll find these two definitions:

1. A party where guests wear the the colors of the traffic signal to denote their relationship status: green means they’re single, red means they’re taken, and yellow means their relationship status is “complicated”.

2. At a red light you put the car in park then everyone gets out and starts dancing like crazy to whatever music works happens to be on. People tend to dance ON the car.

Now, one good guess, which one do you think we’re having at Sparkles Kennesaw? 

On Sunday night, February 16th, we’re have a stoplight party for everyone! We know – Valentines Day is either a great day because you have a Valentine, or “singles awareness day” because lets face it – it’s not fun to be the only one walking around without a “will you be my Valentine” love note on February 14th. Well, at our stoplight party, it doesn’t matter what your relationship status is because everyone is welcome!

Join us at 7:30 pm wearing the color that matches your relationship status – green for single, yellow for “it’s complicated,” and red for taken. We’ll also be handing out free glow bracelets according to your status, just to make sure that everyone knows. Who knows, you could walk in green and skate out red!

We look forward to seeing you here at Sparkles Kennesaw for our stoplight party on February 16th! We’ll be partying until 1:00 am!

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