Our Tiny Tots Halloween Party is the BIGGEST Tiny Tot event of the year!! Join us Tuesday, October 22nd from 10:00am-1:00pm for a FUN-FILLED DAY of laughing and playing!! Make sure you children dress up in their Halloween Costume so they can be entered into our Costume Contest. Prizes awarded to the best/original costumes!  Also we are going to be giving away a Halloween Bag full of goodies (candy, toys, etc.) to every child.  AND on top of all of the above, we’re playing games, activities, dancing, and soooo much more….you and your children CANNOT miss this event!! Bring your ride-on toy also for the skate floor!!

(Click the image below to enlarge)


Check out our Upcoming Tiny Tot dates below. Click the image to enlarge.

Tiny Tots 2013-2014 calendar NEW



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