HappyBirthdayCupCakesIt’s their birthday—time to roll out the fun! Birthday parties at Sparkles Kennesaw are a great way to bring friends and family together for a memorable event. Our roller skating b-day bashes equal active entertainment—and not to mention, zero cleanup for mom and dad. Plus, we’ve just revamped all of our birthday party packages to provide you the most value for your dollar. 

Basic Birthdays

This is the package that you’d choose to make the party at small or as large as you’d like. You can choose any number of activities and it comes with a party host and 45 minutes at a party table.

Unlimited Fun Birthdays

When you want to give your child the birthday party that they’ll never want to leave, pick the Unlimited Fun Party Package. The party attendees will get unlimited access to all of our activities, 40 extra game tokens, and 45 minutes at the party table.

Cosmic Birthday Parties

This birthday package is out of this world. Choose two activities and your kids will get all kinds of glow accessories to play with while they are at their party table for 45 minutes, and to take home as excellent party favors. Your birthday boy or girl will definitely stand out from the crowd when they’ve got all of their glow gear on!

Would you like more information on our party packages? Go to our birthday party packages page to find out more about what we offer from Sparkles Kennesaw in Kennesaw, GA.

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