What is more fun than roller skating? Playing games while roller skating, of course! Here are a few of our favorite games to play while at the roller rink.

4 Corners – Everyone skates until the music stops. When the music stops everyone has to go to one of the 4 corners. With their eyes closed, one designated person calls out a corner 1-4. If your corner is called out, you are eliminated. The game goes on until only 1 person is left standing.

Shoot the Duck – To play this game everyone skates until the DJ blows the whistle. At this time everyone must sit to the ground as fast as possible. The goal is not to be the last one to sit. If a boy is the last one not to have his bottom on the floor, the girls score a point. The first team to 10 points wins!

Limbo – Two people are instructed to hold each side of a pole while all other skaters form a line and try to limbo under the pole without touching or falling. Those who touch or fall are eliminated. Each round the pole is lowered until there is only one person left.

Musical Chairs – Similar to the traditional game of musical chairs, this time on skates!

Conga Line – Hold the hips of person in front of you. The leader of the conga line sets the pace and direction, preferably rapid, and twisted. Don’t break the line!

Hopefully these games will give you an idea of what to play next time you are at the roller rink looking for something to play. Come see us at Sparkles Family Fun Centers in Kennesaw, GA today!

roller skating games

image from flickr

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