Public and private schools alike have started back to class and even you homeschoolers have had to hit the books. But, we know, you get to have more fun, and Sparkles Kennesaw is the place to do it! This 2013-2014 school year we have brought back our homeschool skates and we’ve got one coming up soon!

Homeschool-Event-Kennesaw-August-19WEBOn Monday, August 19th – that’s THIS Monday – we are doing our first homeschool skate of the year. It is open ONLY to those who are homeschooled or in a homeschool program. Admission is a low price of only $6 and we will be open from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. You’ll get to choose from two activities – either skating, the playground, laser tag, or the arcade. If you pick roller skating, you’ll save an additional $4 on top of the $5 savings you already getting by us including two activities in this admission.

This is a great way for your homeschoolers to meet and greet with other homeschooled children in the area. Go ahead and mark it on your calendars, clear your Monday afternoon and bring your homeschoolers to Sparkles Kennesaw for an afternoon of fun to kick off the school year. Stay tuned for more announcements of future homeschool skates. We want to see your kids here skating! And, if your kids are under 10, make sure you sign them up for passes to get two free skating passes each week!

To sign up your child or your group for this event, call Sparkles Kennesaw and ask for Diane Adams! We can’t wait to see you here!

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