Your roller-skates have served you well. They’ve given you countless hours of entertainment, helped you stay active, helped you connect with your friends, and even saved you money. But now they’re looking a little, well, old. Is it time to retire your roller-skates and buy a new pair?

3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Skates

  1. vintage roller-skatesThey don’t fit. Kids outgrow skates quickly. Teens outgrow skates slowly. But did you know that even adults can outgrow their shoes? Adults’ feet may grow wider, or their arch can collapse over time, which leads to longer feet. Women may find that their foot size changes after pregnancy. Whatever your age, if your boots feel snug, loose, or ill-fitting, it’s time to replace those skates.
  2. You loved them too well. Roller-skates are made to last, but even the most well-maintained skates won’t last forever. While you can replace skate parts like wheels and bearings, if the boot becomes too worn, you’ll need a new skate. Look for cracked or warped leather, broken lace holes, or shapeless ankle support to determine whether you need to replace your skates.
  3. You’ve learned a new skill. Basic skates are great for skaters of all ages and skill levels. But some skaters reach a point where they’ve moved beyond the basics. If you’re sick of simply gliding, it’s time to find a skate that fits your skill level. Skate manufacturers develop skates tailored for jam skaters, speed skaters, aggressive inline skaters, and roller derby skaters. Find the right fit, and you’ll be amazed at how far you can push yourself.

Are you ready to replace your skates? Visit the Sparkles Pro Shop in Kennesaw and find just the skate you’re looking for.

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