Parents of toddlers know that their little ones are constantly full of energy and excitement. Whether it be running, crawling, or climbing, staying still just is not an option with so many new places, people, and things to explore! While it may be difficult to reign in your little one’s energetic spirit, daily structured physical activity and playtime are recommended for children as young as a few months old. Toddlers learn about their environment and build stronger bodies by constantly moving and exploring their surroundings. Channeling that endless energy into a few hours of healthy exercise is not only good for the overall health of your child, but also has added benefits to their sleep cycles, social interactions, and mental health. Not to mention, building healthy habits at a young age will help create healthy habits as your children enter adulthood.

Encouraging Your Toddlers to Get Active

kid jumpingAt Sparkles in Kennesaw, we are all about promoting active, healthy playtime for all our guests, toddlers included! Every two weeks, Sparkles hosts a Tiny Tots event where toddlers, parents, and grandparents in Cobb County are invited to come play, skate, jump, and roll around our family fun center with other children their age. Every other Friday from 10am to 1pm, our doors open exclusively to our guests 5 years old and younger and their parents to enjoy playtime on our huge skate floor and playground. To add in the fun, we encourage our visitors to bring ride-on toys or toddler skates to roll around and enjoy with the other children. Let your little ones burn off that extra toddler energy, get their daily bit of exercise, and socialize with other children their age, as you mingle with other parents in your local area.

Don’t miss our next Tiny Tots event this Friday, April 1st, from 10am to 1pm! Admission is $5 to play or $8 for admission and lunch. See you there!

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